Welcome to the passenger portal of the FALA system!
If you are a resident of Lębork, Władysławowo, Puck, Chojnice, Gdynia, Gdańsk, Sopot, Słupsk or the surrounding areas and you use public transport in these cities, we invite you to create an account in the FALA system today. You can order a FALA card and we will deliver it to the address you specify.
Currently, tests of the system with passengers are underway, during which further WAVE functions are successively made available. You can check the detailed rules of public tests for a given city in the "frequently asked questions" tab. We will inform passengers about the next new testing steps in the "news" tab.
Dear Customers
all train tickets for SKM and POLREGIO under the Taryfa Pomorska are now available in the FALA System!
We encourage you to create an account in the FALA System and download the „System FALA” mobile application. People who have an account in the system can also order a FALA card, which we will deliver free of charge to the indicated address. We publish current information in the „News” tab.
We cordially invite you!
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Train tickets in System FALA
What to remember when traveling with a payment card in the System FALA?
Show instructions for:
After purchasing a ticket with a payment card via a FALOMAT or reader (devices of the System FALA), the ticket payment will appear in the bank account no earlier than the following day.
When purchasing a ticket with a payment card, a pre-authorization fee may be charged, which will be refunded to the customer's account.
During an inspection, you must present the payment card used to purchase the ticket by tapping it on the inspector's device. The card generates a unique number, called a token, which allows the inspector to verify if a ticket was purchased for that card. The inspector does not have access to any card data.
To purchase multiple tickets or a discounted ticket, use the FALOMAT and select specific types of tickets on the touchscreen.